Sunday, July 30, 2017

Welcome Back

Welcome back to an awesome new school year.

Please notice the tabs at the top of the page.  You will find new ones added with each unit.
In those pages you will find documents, assignments, reviews that you may need extra copies of for each unit. Please notice they start with the class then the unit as their name. If a class isn't listed then it is for all classes.

Here on the blog, I will post weekly agendas giving you an idea of what we are studying each week.  You can also sign up on the right side of the blog for email updates to let you know when I have added new items to the blog.

Please make sure you sign up for the remind. I will send out reminders about tests, projects and other important dates and information.
I may also use it as a way to start some discussions.

Together, we will make this a great year! I look forward to working with each and everyone of you to accomplish your goals for this school year.